WhatCounts has an Email Deployment Checklist that will guide you through all the right elements to review before sending out your email campaigns. In addition to pre-deployment checks, it's nice to be able to see the email one last time before it goes out to your Contacts. Our Workflow feature can help with that.
Workflow is enabled on the Advanced tab of a List. Check the 'Approval is required before sending' box, then enter one or more email addresses separated by comma.
In advance of the Campaign deploying, an email will be sent to each of Workflow addresses with "Approve", "Cancel", and "Resend" links. These allow members of the Workflow group to view the message in their inbox and Approve it only when confident it's ready to go out to your Contacts.
If content needs to be changed, make those edits then click the "Resend" link to generate another Workflow message.
While the Workflow message can be sent to multiple addresses, only one click is necessary to "Approve", "Cancel", or "Resend" the message.
NOTE: Any changes made to your Template, List, Articles, or other content after the Workflow has been approved will NOT appear in your message. Changes made after Workflow Approval will be ignored, and the message will be sent with the content and list properties defined at the time the message content was approved.