The Update List Definition command allows you to define and update a new List template to update new Lists from and use in Automation Campaigns. The command allows you to specify several components of a List Definition, such as From and Reply To addresses. The command requires the following arguments: Command, Realm, Password, and List Definition ID.
The command is ‘updatelistdefinition', the realm is ‘myrealm’ and the password is ‘mypass’. The List Definition for id ‘42’ will be updated with no changes.
Using updatelistdefinition with all commands and arguments (please note the command is wrapped for display purposes only):
Successful results return:
The Update List Definition commands output either a SUCCESS or FAILURE message.
The command success message returns the SUCCESS message followed by the updated list definition ID. The result format is:
SUCCESS: [list_id]
The command will fail if a list definition with the same name already exists, name is missing, email addresses are not formatted correctly, or invalid data is defined. The result format is:
FAILURE: [Reason]
Errors include:
FAILURE: The Subscribe Confirmation Format provided is not valid. Acceptable values are 0, 1, 2, 99.
FAILURE: When the Default Automation Flag is true, at least one Automation Campaign ID is required.
FAILURE: A problem was encountered when attempting to update this List Definition. (Common for invalid formatting in Email style fields)
The command supports the following arguments (See List Properties for more information about each field):
Name |
Req? |
Description |
Argument |
Command |
Yes |
Defines the command to use. |
cmd=updatelistdefinition |
Realm |
Yes |
Name of the realm to run the command. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
realm=[realm_name] |
Password |
Yes |
Authentication code for API access. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
pwd=[password] |
List Name |
Yes |
Name of the list definition to update. To include spaces, use + or %20 to avoid possible issues with spaces in a URL. |
list_name=[list_name] |
Description |
A short description of the list definition. |
description=[text] |
Template |
The default template associated with the list definition. You can obtain a list of template IDs using the command show_templates. |
template_id=[template_id] |
From Address |
Email address the message appears to be sent from. Though not required to update a list, a From address should always be defined before sending a list. It can be a simple email address, or can include a decorative portion in addition to the email address. |
from=[email_address] |
Reply To Address |
Email address to send replies. A Reply To address should always be defined before sending messages from a list. It can be a simple email address, or can include a decorative portion in addition to the email address. |
reply_to=[email_address] |
Bounce Address |
Mailbox to catch bounce replies. If not defined, no bounce tracking will occur. |
errors_to=[bounce_address] |
Admin Email |
Email address to receive notifications when Campaigns have been sent or failed. These notifications are in addition to the normal notifications sent to the User who deployed the Campaign. |
admin_email=[admin_email_address] |
Account Profile |
Identifier of the default Account Profile to use when deploying a campaign and filling the tags in content. Use Get Account Profile to find the ID. |
acct_pro_id=[account_profile_id] DEFAULT==Account Default Profile |
Labels |
Comma separated list of identifiers of custom keywords to identify and report items that have a similar use or purpose. |
labels=[label_id(s)] |
Folder | Identifier of the Folder to associate the List for organization. Default folder is 0, or Unfiled. |
folder_id=[folder_id] DEFAULT==0 |
Subscribe Confirmation Message |
To require Contacts to confirm subscription requests, set the flag to '1'. If the Flag is set, then the three additional fields are optional.
subscribe_confirmation_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 subscribe_confirmation_from_address=[email] DEFAULT==1 |
Subscribe Courtesy Message |
To send a courtesy welcome message when Contacts request subscription, set the flag to '1'. If the Flag is set, then the three additional fields are optional. If no From Address is defined, it will use the List's From address.
subscribe_courtesy_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 subscribe_courtesy_from_address=[email] DEFAULT==1 |
Unsubscribe Courtesy Message |
To send a courtesy farewell message when Contacts unsubscribe from a list, set the flag to '1'. If the Flag is set, then the three additional fields are optional. If no From Address is defined, it will use the List's From address.
unsubscribe_courtesy_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 unsubscribe_courtesy_from_address=[email] DEFAULT==1 |
Default Automation Campaign | To deploy the selected Automation Campaign to each contact generated subscription request, set the flag to '1'. If set, the ID is required. |
default_automation_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
Subscribe Landing Page |
Define a list specific Welcome landing page by entering a fully qualified URL. The field accepts a URL up to 128 characters long. |
subscribe_landing_page_url=[URL] |
Unsubscribe Landing Page |
Define a list specific Farewell landing page by entering a fully qualified URL. The field accepts a URL up to 128 characters long. |
unsubscribe_landing_page_url=[URL] |
Track Click-Throughs | If you want to track click-throughs from your messages, set this option to ‘1’. |
track_clicks=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
Track Opens | If you want to track opens from your messages, set this option to ‘1’. |
track_opens=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
Base URL |
Customize the tracking URL by defining a Base URL ID. |
base_url_id=[base_url_id] |
Customize the IP to use for publishing by defining a VMTA ID. |
vmta=[vmta_id] |
Forward to a Friend |
Define URLs to customize the form and landing pages for each list by entering the fully qualified URL to the content in the correct FTAF field. If the FTAF form will be used on a webpage instead of in an email, set the Allow Anon flag to '1'. To use the List from address instead of sender's address, set From flag to '1'. |
ftaf_custom_form_url=[URL] ftaf_allow_anon_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 ftaf_user_list_from_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
Dedupe |
To send only one message per email address when the resulting List is deployed, set the flag to '1'. |
dedupe_on_send_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
Sticky Campaign |
To to aggregate all tracking from any Campaign sent over time via the resulting List into a single Campaign report, set the flag to '1'. |
sticky_campaign_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |
List Unsubscribe | List-Unsubscribe is an integrated third-party tool to include an Unsubscribe link in the email message headers of some email clients, such as Gmail. If enabled, you can set one or both methods. Email must be prepended with 'mailto:', and the URL must include http:// or https://. It is recommended to encode the special characters, such as:
list_unsubscribe_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT == 0 list_unsubscribe_email=mailto%3a[email] |
Set Data Macro |
Identifier of the macro to use to set the value of one to three custom fields for each contact when a campaign is deployed using the resulting List. |
set_data_macro_id=[set_data_macro_id] |
Workflow Approval |
To require approval before deploying campaigns from the resulting list, set the flag to '1'. If set, the email is required. Email allows a comma separated list of one or more email addresses. |
workflow_flag=[0.1] DEFAULT==0 |
Event Macros | To use Event Macros when a campaign is sent from the resulting List, set the Sync flag to '1'. If set, then define each optional Sync type by adding the Event Macro ID. |
sync_flag=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 sync_open=[event_macro_id] |
*Feature released in v13.0.0