Date tags include built-in tags to display the system date/time, as well as tags to display a custom Date field and its parts.
Builtin Date Tags
The builtin date tags allow you to display the exact Date and Time that your email message is sent, either as the full date or as date parts, such as Month or Hour. Builtin date tags can also be used with Evaluation tags to provide date calculations in your messages.
Each builtin date tag is displayed below with example results.
Tag | Possible Values | Output | Example Results |
%%$ | mm/dd/yyyy | Date Only | 1/2/2015 |
%%$ | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm | Date and Time | 01/02/2015 2:47PM |
%%$builtin.sqldatetime%% | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | Date in Standard SQL Format | 2015-01-02 14:47:57 |
%%$builtin.year%% | yyyy | Year | 2015 |
%%$builtin.month%% | 1 to 12 | Month | 1 |
%%$builtin.month_padded%% | 01 to 12 | Month Padded | 01 |
%%$builtin.monthname%% | January - December | Month Name | January |
%%$builtin.monthname_uc%% | JANUARY - DECEMBER | Month Name Upper Case | JANUARY |
%%$builtin.monthname_lc%% | january - december | Month Name Lower Case | january |
%%$builtin.monthname_short%% | Jan - Dec | Month Name Short | Jan |
%%$builtin.monthname_short_uc%% | JAN - DEC | Month Name Short Upper Case | JAN |
%%$builtin.monthname_short_lc%% | jan - dec | Month Name Short Lower Case | jan |
%%$ | 1 to 31 | Day | 2 |
%%$builtin.day_padded%% | 01 to 31 | Day Padded | 02 |
%%$builtin.weekday%% | Sunday - Saturday | Weekday | Friday |
%%$builtin.weekday_uc%% | SUNDAY - SATURDAY | Weekday Upper Case | FRIDAY |
%%$builtin.weekday_lc%% | sunday - saturday | Weekday Lower Case | friday |
%%$builtin.weekday_short%% | Sun - Sat | Weekday Short | Fri |
%%$builtin.weekday_short_uc%% | SUN - SAT | Weekday Short Upper Case | FRI |
%%$builtin.weekday_short_lc%% | sun - sat | Weekday Short Lower Case | fri |
%%$builtin.juliandate%% | Julian Date | 2457024 | |
%%$builtin.timezone%% | Time Zone | PST | |
%%$builtin.hour%% | 1 to 12 | Hour | 2 |
%%$builtin.hour_24%% | 1 to 24 | Hour 24 | 14 |
%%$builtin.minutes%% | mm | Minutes | 47 |
%%$builtin.seconds%% | ss | Seconds | 57 |
%%$builtin.AMPM%% | AM or PM | AM/PM | PM |
Date Part Tags
If you need to display or evaluate parts of Dates, you can add a date part parameter to the Tag. The date part parameter works with variable Dates set in the template, Contact Data, and Custom Data. Each date part tag is displayed below with example results, where DATE is the name of the variable or data field.
Contact Data and Custom Data do not support the 'padded' date options. To create a padded version of a custom field, use the EVAL tag with formatdate as follows:
%%set format = "MM/dd/yyyy"%%
%%eval formatdate $format $DATE%%
Tag | Possible Values | Output | Results |
%%$DATE.year%% | yyyy | Year | 2007 |
%%$DATE.month%% | 1 to 12 | Month | 3 |
%%$DATE.month_padded%% | 01 to 12 | Month Padded | 3 |
%%$DATE.monthname%% | January - December | Month Name | March |
%%$DATE.monthnameabbrev%% | Jan - Dec | Month Name Short | Mar |
%%$ | 1 to 31 | Day | 9 |
%%$DATE.day_padded%% | 01 to 31 | Day Padded | 9 |
%%$DATE.dayofweek%% | Sunday - Saturday | Weekday | Thursday |
%%$DATE.dayofweekabbrev%% | Sun - Sat | Weekday Short | Thurs |
%%$DATE.hour%% | 1 to 12 | Hour | 11:00AM |
%%$DATE.minute%% | mm | Minutes | 0 |
%%$DATE.second%% | ss | Seconds | 0 |