Several Logic Tags are used to evaluate date values and output results to the content.
Dates can be literal (defined within brackets [05/11/2011]), builtin (builtin.today - without preceding $), variable (set in the template %%set date1 = 05/10/2011%%), or Contact or Custom Data ($customDate).
Tag | %%eval age DATE%% |
Parameters | DATE: Date Literal, Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the number of years between today's date and the specified date. This is useful for age, anniversary type calculations. |
Example | %%set dob = "12/31/1975"%% |
%%eval age $dob%% | |
Results | 35 |
Tag | %%eval dateadd DATE INT%% |
Parameters | DATE: Date Literal, Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
INT: Integer Literal, Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data | |
Output | Output the date adding the integer to the days of the date to result in a new date. |
Example | %%set date2 = 05/11/2011%% |
%%eval dateadd $date2 [11]%% | |
Results | 5/22/2011 |
Tag | %%eval daysbetween DATE1 DATE2%% |
Parameters | DATE: Date Literal, Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the number of days between two dates. |
Example | %%set date1 = 05/21/2011%% |
%%eval daysbetween $date1 [05/31/2011]%% | |
Results | 10 |
Tag | %%eval formatdate FORMAT builtin.sqldatetime%% |
Parameters | FORMAT: Set variable with defined format. Specific characters are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date or time string. Text can be quoted using single quotes (') To print a single quote, use "'". See the table below for description of each character purpose. |
Output | Output the result of applying a specified format to the current date. |
Example | %%set formatDate = "E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"%% |
%%eval formatdate $formatDate builtin.sqldatetime%% | |
Results | Fri, 22 Jul 2011 10:56:26 -0700 |
Example | %%set formatDate = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz"%% |
%%eval formatdate $formatDate builtin.sqldatetime%% | |
Results | 07/22/2011 10:56:26 PDT |
Example | %%set formatDate = "EEEE, MMMM 'the' dd 'of' yyyy 'at' hh:mm a"%% |
%%eval formatdate $formatDate builtin.sqldatetime%% | |
Results | Friday, July the 22 of 2011 at 10:56 AM |
Example | %%set formatDate = "MM/dd/yyyy"%% |
%%set newdate = {{eval dateadd builtin.today [10]}}%% %%eval formatdate $formatDate $newdate%% |
Results | 08/01/2011 |
Letter | Component | Type | Example |
G | Era designator | Text | G = AD |
y | Year | Year | yyyy = 2011; yy = 11 |
Y | Week year | Year | YYYY = 2011; YY = 11 |
M | Month in year | Month | MMMM = July; MMM = Jul; MM = 07; M = 7 |
w | Week in year | Number | w = 30 |
W | Week in month | Number | W = 4 |
D | Day in year | Number | D = 203 |
d | Day in month | Number | dd = 07; d = 7 |
F | Day of week in month | Number | FF = 04; F = 4 |
E | Day name in week | Text | EEEE = Friday; E = Fri |
u | Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) | Number | u = 1 |
a | Am/pm marker | Text | a = PM |
H | Hour in day (0-23) | Number | H = 0; HH = 00 |
k | Hour in day (1-24) | Number | k = 1; kk = 01 |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) | Number | K = 0; KK = 00 |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) | Number | h = 1; hh = 01 |
m | Minute in hour | Number | m = 0; mm = 00 |
s | Second in minute | Number | s = 0; ss = 00 |
S | Millisecond | Number | S = 0; SSS = 000 |
z | Time zone | General time zone | zzzz = Pacific Daylight Time; z = PDT |
Z | Time zone | RFC 822 time zone | Z = -0700; ZZ = -07 |
X | Time zone | ISO 8601 time zone | X = -07; XX = -0700; XXX = -07:00 |