Several Logic Tags are used to evaluate strings and output results to the content.
Strings can be variable (set in the template %%set string1 = "Hello"%%), or Contact or Custom Data ($email, $customString). Literal strings are not supported in the following evaluation tags.
Tag | %%eval length STRING%% |
Parameters | STRING: Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the number of characters in the string. |
Example | %%set strLength = "string"%% %%eval length $strLength%% |
Results | 6 |
Tag | %%eval lower STRING%% |
Parameters | STRING: Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the defined string in all lowercase characters. |
Example | %%set evalLow = "LOWERCASE"%% %%eval lower $evalLow%% |
Results | lowercase |
Tag | %%eval proper STRING%% |
Parameters | STRING: Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the defined string in all lowercase characters except convert the first character of the string to uppercase. |
Example | %%set evalProper = "proper CASE"%% %%eval proper $evalProper%% |
Results | Proper case |
Tag | %%eval upper STRING%% |
Parameters | STRING: Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Output the defined string in all uppercase characters. |
Example | %%set evalUp = "uppercase"%% %%eval upper $evalUp%% |
Results | UPPERCASE |
Parameters | STRING_ORIGINAL: Variable STRING_OLD STRING_NEW: Variable, Custom Data, or Contact Data |
Output | Set the original string to a new value by replacing the Old characters with the New characters anywhere they appear in the original string then output the results. If the original string is a custom data field, the new string will be output to the content, but is not saved to the custom data field. |
Example | %%set strOriginal = "Original String"%% %%set strOld = "Original"%% %%set strNew = "New"%% %%eval replace $strOriginal $strOld $strNew%% |
Results | New String |