The basic use of the RSS Feed Tags is to include the most recent entry from the feed in your template content.
To include one RSS Feed entry
- Go to CONTENT > VIEW TEMPLATES to view the list of templates.
- Click a Template to open it in the Edit Template page.
- Click the format tab in which you wish to include the feed: Plain Text, HTML, Mobile.
- In the Template area, add the RSS Feed URL Definition Tag:
%%rssfeed url=[URL] name=[NAME]%% where [URL] is the URL to access the RSS feed, [NAME] is the identifier within your content.
- Add the RSS Feed Entry Tag:
%%rssobject [NAME].[ATTRIBUTE]%%
where [NAME] is the identifier within your content and [ATTRIBUTE]is which part of the feed to display.
- If the RSS Feed tag is in the Plain Text, then add ".striphtml" next to the [ATTRIBUTE].
- Click UPDATE to save any changes.
Plain Text Example
%%rssfeed url=http:// name=myfeed%%
%%rssobject myfeed.title.striphtml%%
%%rssobject myfeed.pubdate%%
%%rssobject myfeed.description.striphtml%%
HTML Article Example
%%rssfeed url=http:// name=myfeed%%
<p><a href="%%$rssobject"><b>%%$rssobject myfeed.title%%</b></a><br />
%%$rssobject myfeed.pubdate%%<br />
%%$rssobject myfeed.description%%<br />
%%$rssobject myfeed.content%%</p>
<img src="%%$rssobject myfeed.mediaimage%%" width="250px" /></p>*
*Image support added in v11.9.0