When I go to CONTENT > VIEW TEMPLATES to see the list of templates, why are none displayed?
If the list of templates does not display in the Flex interface, there may be an invalid character in a template name, subject line, or content. Invalid characters are usually those that have been copied and pasted from external programs, such as MS Word, and most often are curly quotes
To troubleshoot, go to http:// siteURL/bin/templates to see the HTML view of the Templates list (where [siteURL] is the domain of your system). Find the last template you created or edited and check if there are any characters that may be an issue. Change the template and save it, then go to CONTENT > VIEW TEMPLATES to verify if you can now see the list.
If this does not correct the issue, check the servlet log for errors. Any template with an invalid character will be reported in the log in an error similar to the following:
2013-01-18 11:04:39,616 ERROR [http-bio-443-exec-36] - org.jdom.IllegalDataException: The data "“Musical of the Decade” Time Magazine" is not legal for a JDOM character content: 0x7 is not a legal XML character. at org.jdom.Text.setText( at org.jdom.Text.<init>( at org.jdom.Element.setText(
Find the Template, change the invalid character, and save the Template. Go to CONTENT > VIEW TEMPLATES to verify if you can now see the list