In the Dashboard, why does the KPI to view Unique Clicks report a larger number than that reported in the Campaign Details page.
This issue occurs in versions 7.1 to 7.3. This issue is due to a change in how Unique Clicks is defined in the Dashboard.
The Dashboard defines unique clicks as the "Sum of a count of unique people PER LINK clicked within the deployment." So, if 50 people clicked on one link and 75 people clicked on another, that would result in a total of 125 Unique Clicks according to the dashboard.
Elsewhere, Unique Clicks are the "sum of the count of unique people who clicked ANY LINK within the deployment." For this definition: 50 people clicked on one link and 75 people clicked on another, the result could be 75, if all the individuals who clicked on the first link also clicked on the second link (leaving 25 who clicked on the second link, but not the first).