Even if you do not have access to make changes to your realm settings, you can check the settings for your Realm. To view the Realm Overview:
The About Realm page displays the following information about your Realm.
- Realm Description: Basic Realm Settings
- Realm Name: Name of the Realm followed by the Realm ID
- Description: Short description of the Realm
- Realm ID: Special identifier for realm management
- Parent Realm: Name of the Parent Realm followed by the Parent Realm ID
- Realm Colors: Default colors for the Layout Palette displayed in Creative Library Layout Editor color picker.
- Realm Configuration: Advanced Realm Settings
- Analytics Integration: Indicates if Google or Omniture Analytics is enabled and, after v11.2, if integrated
- API Integration: Indicates if the API use is enabled
- Demo status: Indicates if the Realm is for Demo purposes only
- Event Synchronization: Indicates if Event Macros can be used
- Opt-outs Always Global: Indicates if an unsubscribe request is always considered Global Opt-Outs
- Profile Update Confirmation: Indicates if a user must confirm a profile change
- Campaign Throttling: Indicates if throttling can be set on a per campaign basis
- Realm Throttling: Indicates if throttling will be used for all campaigns and the default rate
- Virtual MTAs: Lists the VMTAs for Marketing Publishing, with the default VMTA displayed first. Transactional VMTAs are not currently displayed *(added in v14.14.0).
- File Upload Size Limit: Limit to files uploaded to Media or File Manager. Default is 1000000000 bytes (1 GB) *(added in v12.18.0)
- Security Policies: Indicates any special security settings
- Realm Activity: The number of items in the realm and the activity for the past two months.
- Counts: The number of Lists, Templates, Articles, Polls, Custom Fields
- Contact Counts: The number of Unique Contacts (currently subscribed to at least one List), Total Contacts in all Lists, and Pending confirmations
- Activity: The number of Campaigns, Messages Sent, and Transactional API Messages Sent for the current month and previous month
- Password Policies Information: Requirements for password security in the realm
- User IP Policies Information: Requirements for user login security based on user IP
- Site Version: Version number and revision of the installed platform build