To specify a format for each individual Contact, a column in the import file must be mapped to either an Email Format Number or Email Format Text. These values are defined as:
Email Format | Number | Text | Description |
Plain Text | 1 | plain | Text only with no formatting other than the use of line breaks and spacing. |
HTML | 2 | html | Rich text content supports images, font sizes, colors. |
Multipart MIME | 99 | mime | Both HTML and Plain Text merged into one message. Contacts will automatically see the content in the format their email client is set to display. |
Contact Selected | na | na | The format defined in the Contact's subscription record for the List specified. Subscriptions default to the Plain Text format. Only use this option if you have allowed Contacts to define their preferred format or you have imported your List and defined the format upon import. |
To use the number format, include a column in your import file named "Email Format Number", and set the corresponding number to your Contacts. On page 2 of the Import wizard, the fields should auto map. If it does not, then map to the field named: "Email Format Number".
To use the text format, include a column in your import file named "Email Format Text", and set the corresponding string to your Contacts. On page 2 of the Import wizard, the fields should auto map. If it does not, then map to the field named: "Email Format Text".
A preferred format for each Contact is not required. If you do not have a Contact selected format, then use the Default Format listbox to select a format to apply to all records. This option will also set the format for all Contacts who do not have an Email Format specified.