Using segmentation rules is an ideal way to perform campaign testing. Although test functions exist in the platform, several features can only be tested when a list is deployed as a campaign. These features include non-anonymous polls, Display Message, and the Forward-To-A-Friend (FTAF) feature. To test these features we recommend creating a segmentation rule to deploy your list to just you or a small group of people who will test the message.
To create a test rule, follow the steps for creating a Standard Segmentation Rule, and set the following conditions:
- Condition Type: OR
- Field: Email Address
- Operator: =
- Value: your email address (i.e.:
You can also limit the segment to several specific addresses by making the Field Name, Comparison Operator, and Value for several addresses.
To create a rule that matches anyone with your company's domain, set the following conditions:
- Condition Type: OR
- Field: Email Address
- Operator: Like
- Value: your company's email domain preceded by % (i.e.:
Note: If you are creating a Segmentation Rule with more than one email address, be sure to select OR as the Condition Type.