Tracking allows you to determine what contacts are doing with your message, including viewing in HTML and clicking specific links. Tracking is enabled by default when a new list is created.
Tracking Options
- Track when HTML readers open email: Select Open tracking to record every time a contact opens and displays your message.
When open tracking is selected, a special tracking image tag is inserted at the bottom of your HTML content at publishing time. Many email providers disable images by default, so though a contact may open the message, it may not be tracked. Encourage contacts to display your message with images enabled by using alternate text for your images.
Opens are not tracked in Plain-Text because images are not supported. In addition, Outlook's preview pane may cause the tracking tag to be activated as if the message were opened, though the contact may not have viewed the message.
- Track click-throughs: Select Click-Through tracking to record every time a contact clicks a link in your message.
When click-through tracking is selected, the URLs in your content are replaced with special tracking links in both Plain Text and HTML content. This allows the system to track the number of times each link in your email is clicked. Each click goes to the platform servers where the information is recorded. Users are then redirected to the URL defined in your content. This process is invisible to users.
Email format does not affect the functionality of click-through tracking. You can exclude URLs from generating tracking events by going to REPORTS > EVENT TRACKING > EXCLUSION URLS.
Omniture List Channel
If Omniture Analytics has been enabled and integrated for the realm, you may define the Channel Name. This field is available in version 11.2 and greater.