How do I send out my Template in UTF-8?
In order to send out your campaign in UTF-8, you must first paste UTF-8 content into your Template, then set the Template to send as UTF-8. To change your file to UTF-8, do the following:
- If your content is saved as a file, open it in Microsoft Word. Otherwise, create a new Word file and paste your content into the file.
- Go to FILE > SAVE AS.
- Give the file a name, and make sure 'Save as type' is set to "Plain Text (*.txt)".
- Click SAVE.
- From the FILE CONVERSION box, select 'Other encoding', then choose "Unicode (UTF-8)" from the options.
- Click OK.
- Select EDIT > SELECT ALL then EDIT > COPY to copy the content
- Paste the content into your Template in the platform.
- Select "Contains multi-byte characters"
- In the 'Charset' text box, enter: UTF-8
- From the 'Content Encoding' listbox, select 'Base64'.
- (In Version 8.0 and later: Close the popup then ) Click UPDATE to save the template.
You can now use TASKS > TEST LIST or DEPLOY CAMPAIGN to send out your content.