After the Template is created and content is added, you can verify that it is formatted as expected. To get a feel for how the content will look, use Preview to view your content. The preview window provides links to view the Plain-Text, HTML, and Mobile content, as well as an option to analyze the content for items that may be caught by SPAM filters.
Although the preview will render a good approximation, the browser will not behave exactly like an email client. Make sure you thoroughly test your content before deploying any campaign. Also keep in mind that the preview is rendered by your Internet browser and will not be an exact representation of how it may look through various email clients.
To Preview a Template
- Go to CONTENT > TEMPLATES to view the list of templates.
- Click the ACTIONS button next to the Template in the list, then select PREVIEW.
You can also preview the Template by clicking the PREVIEW button in the Edit Template page.
A preview of the Template content will display in a new browser window. If you make changes to a template, you must first save your template by clicking SAVE for the preview to reflect these changes.
To Preview for a Specific Contact
- Go to CONTENT > TEMPLATES to view the list of templates.
- Click the ACTIONS button next to the Template in the list, then select PREVIEW.
- In the Preview page, enter a current contact's email address in 'Preview with contact' field.
If contact or custom data fields or logic that uses the contact's data exists in the template, the template will refresh and display based on the data that exists for the contact email address.
Preview Content with Customer Key
Some systems have the ability to define a unique Customer Key per contact. If your realm has Customer Key enabled, then you must use the Customer Key instead of the Contact's email address.