A Table of type Regular is the most common table for data storage. It requires both a Primary Key (PK) (a Unique field) and a Foreign Key (FK) to data uniquely relevant for each contact record or to other data tables.
To Create a Regular Table
- From the Relational Tables popup, select Regular Type, then click SAVE to continue to the Add Table page. Click CANCEL to return to the Relational Tables page.
- In the Add Table page, enter a Table Name. The Table Name must be unique, 32 characters or less, and contain no spaces or special characters such as ^ ? % : | < > , ; & $ + = @ #.
- Enter a Description of the table.
- From the Foreign Key listbox, select the Table to which the new table should be associated. For example, if the data is directly related to a Contact, such as a Purchase made by the Contact, then the Foreign Key should be the Contact table.
- Select any combination of the Data Management options: Edit Data, Import, Export, Segmentation, Clear Data. See Data Management Options for full details and considerations about each option.
- Click SAVE to save the new table and display the Edit Table page. Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the table and then return to the Relational Tables list. Click CANCEL to close the page without creating the new table.
Once the table is created, you must Create a Column for a Unique identifier (Primary Key) before the table can be Activated.
For examples of some Regular Table relationships, see Data Schema Examples.