Tasks are the single events that result in some type of work, report, or campaign. Tasks can be immediate or scheduled for a future time. Scheduled tasks can be one-time or recurring.
Tasks that can be launched form the Tasks menu include:
- Test List - Send a test version of a message using the List properties to one or more email addresses.
- Deploy Campaign - Send a message to a List of contacts and collect the results together in a campaign. A campaign may be:
- Normal
- Automation
- A/B Split Test
- Schedule Campaign or Report - Use the calendar to define a date and time on which to run a specific report or deploy a campaign.
Once Tasks are launched, you can View Tasks to see those that are currently running, or View Scheduled Tasks to see those that will run up to 72 hours in the future.
Accessing Tasks
Deploy, Schedule, A/B Definitions and Task History are all under the Tasks menu. To access these features, go to Tasks.