Marketing Automation allows you to define multi-step campaigns to maintain contact with your contacts by sending timed, directed messages and offers. Use Marketing Automation to create reusable Definitions or launch Campaigns that target contacts and move them through a workflow based on their actions.
NOTE: Before deploying an Automation campaign, your Realm Services must be enabled. Please contact to enable Realm Services.
Accessing Marketing Automation
Automation Campaigns and Definitions are accessed from the Marketing Automation menu.
Go to MARKETING AUTOMATION > AUTOMATION CAMPAIGNS to open the Automation Campaigns Library page. This library shows all existing Campaigns and the current state of each: Active or Inactive. It is the starting point to define a new Campaign, as well as to copy or edit existing Campaigns.
Go to MARKETING AUTOMATION > AUTOMATION DEFINITIONS to open the Automation Definitions Library page. This library shows all existing Definitions. It is the starting point to create a new Definition, to copy or edit existing Definitions, and to share a Definition with another realm on the system.
Definitions are like blueprints to create a Campaign, and the two pages display similar details such as Title, Created Date and By, Modified Date and By, and Actions. You may sort the data in any of the Title, Created, and Modified columns by clicking the column header.
The details displayed for each Campaign or Definition include:
Sending | Campaigns Only. Status of the Campaign: Active and sending or Inactive and waiting. |
Title |
Title of the Automation Campaign or Definition. This is different from the Name, which is used in the API commands. Click the Title to access the Definition properties and edit the workflow. |
Created Date |
Date the Campaign or Definition was originally saved. |
Created By |
Name of user who created the Campaign or Definition. |
Modified Date |
Date the Campaign or Definition was last edited and saved. |
Modified By |
Name of user who last edited the Campaign or Definition. |
Actions |
Click COPY to create an exact copy with a new Title and Name. A copy of a Campaign will be inactive. Click DELETE to delete a Definition or an inactive Campaign. For Campaigns, click ARCHIVE to move an inactive and unused Campaign into the archived folders. For Definitions, click PUSH TO REALM to share a Definition with another realm. |
Filtering View
To quickly find an Automation Campaign or Definition in the library page, use the Filter.
To quickly search the list by Title, use the Filter text box. As you type a string, the page will automatically change to display only the Titles that match the characters in the Filter field.
For a more thorough search, click the Filter button to the right of the text box. The Filter fields will display in a drop down box.
In the Filter forms, set your Filter options, then click Search. All matching entries will be displayed in the page. To reset the filter and view the entire list of items, click Clear.
Filter options include:
- Keyword: Search string for the Title.
- Created By: Listbox displaying Name of every User that has created a new Automation Campaign or Definition.
- Modified By: Listbox displaying Name of every User that has changed an existing Automation Campaign or Definition.
- Active / Inactive: Checkboxes in the Campaign Library to limit results to Active and/or Inactive Campaigns.
- Created Between: Start and End Date selection to indicate the range of dates in which the Automation Campaign or Definition was originally created. To move between Months and Years, use the left and right arrows to either side of the Month name.
- Modified Between: Start and End Date selection to indicate the range of dates in which the Automation Campaign or Definition was last modified. To move between Months and Years, use the left and right arrows to either side of the Month name.
NOTE: Your display may appear slightly different in version 10.13.0 and newer. These display changes do not affect the functionality of the feature.