The Create Folder command requires the following arguments: Command, Realm, Password, Folder Path, and Folder Type.
The command is ‘createfolderpath’, the realm is ‘myrealm’ and the password is ‘mypass’. Based on the type, a single level folder named 'oldtemplates' will be created to store templates.
The Create Folder command supports the following arguments:
Name |
Req? |
Description |
Argument |
Command |
Yes |
Defines the command to use. |
cmd=createfolderpath c=createfolderpath |
Realm |
Yes |
Name of the realm to run the command. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
realm=[realm_name] r=[realm_name] |
Password |
Yes |
Authentication code for API access. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
pwd=[password] p=[password] |
Folder Path | Name of the folders to create. A multi level folder path can be created using '/' between folder names. | folder_path=[folder_path] | |
Folder Type |
Feature specific folder definition. A folder of the same name can exist for each type.
1 = Segmentation
2 = Template
3 = List
4 = Article
folder_type=[1,2,3,4] |
Using all commands and arguments (please note the command is wrapped for display purposes only):
Successful results return the folder ID of the last folder in the path (named 'Week1'):
The Create Folder command outputs either a SUCCESS or a FAILURE message.
The Create Folder command command success message returns the id of the new folder. The result format is:
SUCCESS: [folder_id]
A Create Folder command will fail for several reasons, such as if the folder already exists. The result format is:
FAILURE: [Reason]