The Get Contacts command allows you to get all Contact and Custom Data for a Contact specified by the Contact ID.
GET /subscribers/[subscriberId]
Request Body Parameters
The Get Contact by ID command requires only the URI call with the Contact ID. No additional fields are required in the JSON.
Request Body Example
Using Get Contacts:
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'authorization: Basic bXlBY2NvdW50Onh5enB3ZDEyMw==' \
--header 'accept: application/vnd.whatcounts-v1+json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
Response Body
The response returns all API available Fields in JSON format for the specified Contact.
Based on the example above, the response returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: serverName
Content-Type: application/json
Link: <>;
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 12:54:44 GMT
"subscriberId": 10
"realmId": 1561
"email": ""
"firstName": "Jon"
"lastName": "Doe"
"company": "My Company"
"address1": "123 Some Street North"
"address2": "Suite 500"
"city": "My City"
"state": "WA"
"zip": "98000"
"country": "United States"
"phone": "(206) 555 1212"
"fax": ""
"createdDate": "May 21, 2012 9:14:16 AM"
"updatedDate": "Nov 2, 2015 10:31:27 AM"
"ipAddress": ""
"md5Encryption": "C8ADED17D5F088E8262BF31ED933B7D4"
"sha1Encryption": "356B1860247728C81486A35062688F302D96C2D1"
"customData": {
"text": "text"
"unicode": "unicode text"
"large": "big"
"number": 12
"float": 12.12
"date": "2016-07-04"
"skip": 1
"max": 0
Error Response
Error Response Codes include both Client Errors (4xx) and Server Errors (5xx). Descriptions of each can be found in Response Codes.
For example, if the specified Contact does not exist, the error would appear as:
"error": "Unable to find resource with id = 10"
"status": "Not Found"
"statusCode": 404