Account Profile Tags are used to output custom details about the Account to the content. These tags are filled after a campaign is created, but may also be pulled into a Template Preview.
Account Profile Tags in Content
Account Profile tags are built by adding the 'acct_pro_' in front of the Account Profile Field name to create the tag. For example, to pull a profile named salesperson into a template, use the tag: %%acct_pro_salesperson%%.
Only those fields that contain a Value defined in the Account Profile will fill in your content. For example, you have defined three fields in your Account: brand, store, city.
The tags for these fields are: %%acct_pro_brand%%, %%acct_pro_store%%, %%acct_pro_city%%.
However, in your Profile, you have only set the value for city: Seattle. When you deploy your campaign, only the tag for %%acct_pro_city%% will be defined.
Account Profile Field Values can only be set by users with Admin permissions.
*Feature introduced in v12.01.