The Get All Account Profiles command allows you to view a list of all account profiles.
The Get All Account Profiles command requires the following arguments: Command, Realm, Password and Output Format.
The command is 'acctprogetall', the realm is 'myrealm', the password is 'mypass', and the format of the returned data is 'csv'.
Using 'acctprogetall' with all commands and arguments:
Successful results return:
"ID","Name","Description","Account Profile Field 1","Account Profile Field 2","Account Profile Field 3" "5","My Profile","My Profile Description","Field Value 1","Field Value 2","Field Value 3" "6","My Profile Also","My Other Profile Description","Field Value 1b","Field Value 2b","Field Value 3b"
The Get All Account Profiles command outputs either the results of the search or a FAILURE message.
The command does not explicitly return a Success code. Instead, it outputs the ID, Name, Description, and Field Values of each Account Profile. Use the Output Format argument to return the results in an alternate format.
The result format is:
"ID","Name","Description","Account Profile Field Name 1","Account Profile Field Name 2","Account Profile Field Name n"
"Account Profile ID 1","Account Profile Name","Account Profile Description","Field Value 1","Field Value 2","Field Value n"
"Account Profile ID 2","Account Profile Name","Account Profile Description","Field Value 1","Field Value 2","Field Value n"
"Account Profile ID n","Account Profile Name","Account Profile Description","Field Value 1","Field Value 2","Field Value n"
The command will fail if an Output Format is not specified or invalid data is defined. The result format is:
FAILURE: [Reason]
This command supports the following arguments:
Name | Req? | Description | Argument |
Command | Yes | Defines the command to use. |
cmd=acctprogetall c=acctprogetall |
Realm | Yes | Name of the realm to run the command. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
realm=[realm_name] r=[realm_name] |
Password | Yes | Authentication code for API access. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
pwd=[password] p=[password] |
Output Format | Yes |
To specify the format of the list output, use one of two arguments. |
csv=1 OR output_format=[xml,json,csv,csv_tab,csv_pipe] |
Header |
To define the data with a label, use the Header argument. This argument does not affect the XML or JSON output formats. |
headers=[0,1] DEFAULT==0 |