The Delete List Attribute command allows you to delete a List Attribute and all associated data.
The Delete List Attribute command requires the following arguments: Command, Realm, Password, and List Attribute Name.
The command is ‘listattrdelete', the realm is ‘myrealm’ and the password is ‘mypass’. The List Attribute named ‘em_list_myattribute’ will be deleted from all Lists.
NOTE: When a List Attribute is created, the 'em_list_' is prepended to the defined name and stored in all lower case characters. When deleting the Attribute, the full name with the prepended string must be used: myAttributeName becomes em_list_myattributename.
Using listattrdelete with all commands and arguments (please note the command is wrapped for display purposes only):
Successful results return:
SUCCESS: em_list_city deleted
The Delete List Attribute commands output either a SUCCESS or FAILURE message.
The command success message returns the SUCCESS message. The result format is:
SUCCESS: [em_list_name] deleted
The command will fail if a List Attribute with the name does not exist or invalid data is defined. The result format is:
FAILURE: [Reason]
The command supports the following arguments:
Name |
Req? |
Description |
Argument |
Command |
Yes |
Defines the command to use. |
cmd=listattrdelete c=listattrdelete |
Realm |
Yes |
Name of the realm to run the command. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
realm=[realm_name] r=[realm_name] |
Password |
Yes |
Authentication code for API access. This is required, and the command will fail if the realm and password do not match. |
pwd=[password] p=[password] |
Attribute Name |
Yes |
The name of the List Attribute to delete. |
list_attr_name=[em_list_name] |