Often customers find the need to export and warehouse email engagement data in a ERP, CRM or other similar customer management platform. Fortunately the WhatCounts platform provides a highly-configurable, scheduled CSV exports. These can be delivered to your data center or other resources through FTP/SFTP transmissions.
This guide will provide common export settings for synchronizing customer and campaign data with your CRM. Click here for in-depth information on using the Event Report Wizard and the options available, for in-depth information on FTP/SFTP site management, click here.
Note, you may still need to engage IT / database resources in your organization to handle importing and mapping this data to any existing data warehousing solutions that may be in use.
Examples Covered
- Update of New Non-Contactable Addresses (Complaints, Hard Bounces, Unsubscribes, Global Opt-Out)
- Update of New Contactable Addresses (New Contacts, Updated List Subscriptions)
- Cumulative Campaign History (Report of all Send email events for a period of time)
Preparing To Use The Feature
- Understanding what customer data you synchronize from your email and marketing efforts to your ERP/CRM will help determine which fields to include in the Event Wizard Export
- You may still need to engage IT / database resources in your organization to handle importing and mapping this data to any existing data warehousing solutions that may be in use.
Update Non-Contactable Addresses
It is important to keep your internal CRM synchronized with customer contactability changes that are triggered from the email channel, this may include but not be limited to, customers unsubscribing from email lists, email addresses hard bouncing, spam complaints, and global opt-outs.
On the next screen we will select what Events we want to have included in the Event Wizard export, as noted above we are mostly concerned with the events that correspond to email engagement and delivery.
In the next screen we have selected to optionally included Campaign Name info to make identifying where the clicks / contact actions occurred inside our report.
The next two UI screens relate to what customer data will be included in the record for the email tracking event. Email address will always be included but can you optionally include any Contact, or Custom Fields you have created. Since we will match the records with email address as the primary key to our CRM we have no included additional fields.
The final screen is setting the export details, such as file name, date and field formatting, as well as FTP options. Note that we are using the same dynamic date tags available in templates to be able to dynamically name our exported data with a time-stamped filename.
Update of New Contactable Addresses
Another common initiative is an export of newly subscribed email addresses, this will reflect both new sign-ups that were collected through WhatCounts that need to be synchronized back to your CRM as well as current contacts who have updated a list preference.
Most of the Event Report settings will stay the same from the previous example with the following changes to the event selection screen.
Cumulative Campaign History
Often it is helpful to view campaign statistics across a group of campaigns for a period of time, for example a table to display open and/or click reports for all email deployments across a seven day period. It is possible to configure and schedule these types of tabled reporting views using the Campaign Report Wizard. We will use this as our example to schedule a weekly tabled report of opens and clicks for each campaign.
Begin by selecting Campaign Report from the Calendar menu, we will configure a report to roll up the last 7 days, weekly on Friday.
The next step will be defining what events to track in the campaign report. As noted above we are concerned with comparing opens and clicks for this weekly report.
We will include the Campaign ID as a column in our export to help identify the campaigns
And lastly give a filename for the report and set any last export options