Q: What is Label Management?
A: Label Management is a feature that allows you to tag Campaigns, Lists, Templates, Articles, Sign Up Forms, Preference Sites, and SMS messages with Labels to make searching, reporting, and analysis easier.
Q: Where do I access the Label Management page?
A: You can access the Label Management page in the Customer Care menu in the upper right-hand side of the screen. From the Label Management page, you can view all existing Labels and the usage count within Campaigns, Lists, Templates, Articles, Forms, Preference Sites, Automations, and SMS messages. This is also where you can add new Labels, edit, merge, and delete existing Labels.
Q: What if I’m not sure what Labels to use or how to use them?
A: Labels are useful, especially when managing a large subset of lists, templates, or campaigns. Use Labels by tagging elements to group them for easy searching, filtering, reporting, and analyzing the performance of your campaigns. To get you started, there is a selection of default labels to use for tagging and grouping of your campaigns. For example, you can tag all your welcome emails with a ‘welcome’ Label and can monitor performance by filtering the Deployed Overview page for that Label.
Q: What elements can be tagged with Labels?
A: The following elements can be tagged with Labels:
- Lists
- Templates
- Articles
- Sign Up Forms
- Preference Sites
- SMS Messages
- Automation Campaigns
- Deployed Campaigns
Q: Can I add a Label(s) to campaigns that have already been deployed?
A: Yes, you can tag a deployed campaign with existing and new labels from the Campaign Details page. Click the ‘edit’ link beside Labels in the Overview tab to remove, add, or create new Labels directly from the modal.
Q: Can I add Labels to Automation and Sticky Campaigns?
A: Yes, and when you add Labels to Automation and Sticky Campaigns, the Labels are applied to all Deploy Email Actions in the Campaign.
Q: Can you create a Label without using the Label Management Page?
Yes, you can also create new labels while you are tagging campaign and non-campaign elements in a couple of different ways. For example, tagging a new campaign with a new label in the Deploy Wizard is easy. On the Email step of the Deploy Wizard, the Labels field is located at the bottom of the page. Just type the Label you wish to create and click the ‘Create new Label:’ option at the top of the dropdown menu. You can also add Labels to deployed Campaigns directly from the Campaign Search page.
Q: How are Labels used on the Campaign Search page?
A: From the Campaign Search page, you can add new Labels to a deployed Campaign by checking the checkbox of one or multiple Labels in the table and choosing ‘Add Label’ from the Actions menu.
Q: Do Label names have to be in a specific format?
A: Labels name are limited to 100 characters and do not allow spaces or special characters, except underscores and dashes. Label names are not case-sensitive.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of labels that can be added to elements?
A: Up to 10 labels can be added to campaign and non-campaign elements.
Q: Can my Labels in my parent account be accessed in my child account(s)?
A: Labels cannot be shared across child or parent/child accounts.
Q: How do I use Labels for reporting and analyzing?
A: Labels make it easier to monitor and compare campaign elements together when analyzing reporting and overview data.
You can filter the following pages by Labels:
- List Overview page
- Deployed Overview page
- Automation Overview page
- API Overview page
- Campaign Search page
For example, to filter the Deployed Overview page, click in the Labels field to view a list of available Labels or begin typing in the field to filter the Labels. Click the Label(s) you wish to use to select it and it will appear in the field. Then, select a date range and click the blue Go button.