How do I create a Segmentation Rule to pull only the contacts who were sent a particular Campaign and opened or clicked?
The following example uses Standard Segmentation to target the Contacts who were sent a particular Campaign and opened or clicked in that Campaign. This Segmentation Rule could easily be modified to match other tracking events.
Here's how to set up this Segmentation Rule:
- Go to Segmentation > Create Standard Rule
- Enter a Name.
- Create the first condition that will allow for the necessary nesting of the others:
- In the Search Fields option in the left navigation enter: email
- Drag Email Address on to the workspace
- From the drop-down, select: Is not Null
- Create the condition for: sent
- In the Search Fields option enter: tracking
- Drag Tracking Campaign ID on top of the Email Address condition
- From the drop-down, select: Equals
- Click in the final field, and enter the Campaign ID
- Drag Tracking Event Type on top of the Tracking Campaign ID condition
- From the first drop-down, select: Equals
- From the next drop-down, select: Sent Message
- Create the condition for: opened or clicked
- Drag another Tracking Campaign ID below the other Tracking conditions
- From the drop-down, select: Equals
- Click in the final field, and enter the Campaign ID
- Drag another Tracking Event Type below the other Tracking conditions
- From the first drop-down, select: In
- From the next drop-down, select both: Open Message and Clicked on URL
- NOTE: As long as In is chosen as the operator, you should be able to select and deselect options in the drop-down by clicking on them.
- Drag another Tracking Campaign ID below the other Tracking conditions
- Nest the first pair of Campaign ID and Event Type conditions by dragging Tracking Event Type onto the Tracking Campaign ID. Release when Nest Condition appears.
- Nest the second pair of Tracking Campaign ID and Tracking Event Type conditions in the same way
- Change the operator between each pair of Tracking Campaign ID and Tracking Event Type conditions to AND so they will be evaluated together.
- Change the operator between the 'sent' and 'open or click' sections to AND to include only Contacts who opened or clicked.
This rule will now pull all Contacts on a List who were sent the specified Campaign ID and opened or clicked.
Review operators to ensure AND is selected as appropriate.
The final rule should look like this: