The 16.15.00 release includes bug fixes, improvements, and a new feature..
New Features
- Publishing Flight Order
The order in which messages are deployed for a campaign is determined by the auto-generated Contact subscriber ID, descending numerically from highest (newer Contacts) to lowest (older records) subscriber ID values. Some Realms are set to deploy in the opposite manner, where batches are populated by subscriber ID in ascending order.
Publishing Flight Order allows a customer to determine the order in which batches are deployed by populating a specific field value. The new field stores a positive integer which can be populated and updated by API or UI import like other Contact data fields. It can be viewed from the Contact Details page, but cannot be updated through this form. A customer can include the field in Contact Exports.
This feature must be enabled by Account Managers for use.
- Contact Subscriber Export optimize and improve export times
Quick Reports: Include Global Unsubscribes in the View Unsubs report
- Scheduled Campaign Report: Clarify error message when invalid date/time range is submitted
- Search Results: open the updated Deploy Wizard instead of older Deploy Campaign screen
Publishing Flight Order