Browser, Client Type, and Operating System is tracked when a contact Opens/Reads an email message, displaying the images in the message, or Clicks a link in the email message. The data is based on the User Agent from the contact's email application or browser.
NOTE: In some realms, tracking browser information may not be permitted in order to honor privacy requirements in certain areas. Please contact your Account Manager if you have questions.
Segment Based on Image Proxy Server Opens
To protect the privacy of their cients, several email services store images from each email message on a server. This results in an increased open rate, as each time the image is stored, it causes an open/read event.
To target contacts who have opens generated by an image proxy:
- Enter a Name.
- Click the Fields search box.
- In the search box, enter Browser (opens) - Browser/Device. (Mouse over the options to view the full name of the Condition if it is too long to display.)
- Drag Browser (opens) - Browser/Device into the workspace.
- Set the condition options:
- Set Operator to IN (To get the contacts who did open but did not open via an image proxy, use the Operator NOT IN.)
- Set Value to the desired proxy options: Apple MPP, Google Mail, Yahoo MailProxy
- Click Save.
The segmentation condition appears as:
This segmentation will pull contacts who have opened any campaign message using the Browser set from a proxy image server at any time in the past. To limit opens to a specific campaign, add the Campaign ID (opens) - Browser/Device condition.
** Support for segmenting by proxy image servers added in v17.17